miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2015

Prayer support for the Pope Francisco

And good Father God, you love us and want.
We bless you with a deeply grateful heart,
by grace you had with your people
to elect Francisco to guide your church in the world.
His ministry transformed into loving and pastoral work,
It is a universal example and turn close,
based on love, tenderness and humanity.
His gestures of interreligious dialogue to bring religions
and normalize beliefs always opting for peace and justice;
his interest in world peace, hunger and injustice in the world,
welcoming immigrants and social rights,
you are a man of God like your son Jesus,
he can transform hearts with the works of your hands.
His pastoral effort committed to a Catholic community
where there is room for everyone,
without asking anyone where it comes from or under what conditions comes.
Francis teaches us as your Son Jesus,
that the Church must necessarily have open arms
to welcome, embrace and accompany
leaving aside privileges and protocols.
Therefore, Father of love,
we beg you always attend with your Holy Spirit to the Pope Francisco;
to know to decide and act with courage
according to the teachings of the Gospel.
When your pastoral mission is misunderstood
or when the person look violated
those that are based on religion
to hold power,
Teach them that evangelical perfection
it comes through self-denial of self,
putting the interests of others above their own.
Make your example is not in vain.
It allows us to join in the Church's commitment Francisco
and never stop loving us as Father.

(Floren Salvador Diaz Fernandez)